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200 Men Arrested For Being Gay In Bahrain

Bahrain Is A Small Homophobic Island Country
Incredibly sad.
As many as 200 gay men may have been arrested in the poorly decorated small middle-eastern island country of Bahrain for attending a GAY WEDDING!!!!
The men, mostly from Bahrain and Gulf countries, were arrested Thursday on the charge of “conduct against public morals.”

├óΓé¼┼ôAccording to police sources some of the men were allegedly drunk, and others were described as wearing women├óΓé¼Γäós clothing and make up. The police are now said to be checking if any have a history of ├óΓé¼╦£debauchery or sodomy.”

A Bahrain city official is calling for tighter scrutiny of celebration venues. The councilor claims the men had tricked the venue’s manager into believing they were holding a birthday party, adding:

“They should be careful and investigate before allowing such events to happen and ruin the country’s reputation.”

I mean, who would want live or even visit a country with a reputation of letting it’s people celebrate love???
Oh…. that’s right, anyone with a soul!!!!
Our heart goes out to the couple who’s special day was ruined by hate and ignorance.

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Feb 07, 2011 22:30pm PDT