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Choose Your Own Adventure Books To Become Movies. HOW???

choose your own adventure books to become movies
Sure, we all grew up on these or the Goosebumps ones but are we going to ruin the nostalgia by bringing these to theaters?
Red Crown Productions has made a deal with Choose Your Own Adventure series publisher Chooseco to make the series into films.
These books were awesome because they were interactive. How would they pull that off on-screen though?
We suppose there are some approaches they COULD take, such as:

-Show multiple outcomes of on-screen courses of action, like how they did it in Run Lola Run
-Use self-referential humor as a technique to move the story along
-Allow audiences to vote on key scenes BEFORE the movie is even made
-Avoid AT ALL COSTS any techniques used in 1995’s interactive Mr. Payback, where audiences used joysticks to vote on the action

Guess we’ll see what approach they end up taking. This could be cool if they’re smart about it, or it could be REALLY, REALLY bad.
Would U like to re-live your childhood with Choose Your Own Adventure movies?

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Jan 21, 2011 18:20pm PDT