A 16-Year-Old Girl Dies From A Pre-Existing Heart Condition While Walking Through A Haunted House In Ohio

This is beyond sad.
Christian Faith Benge, a 16-year-old girl from Ohio, tragically died while walking through a haunted house called the Land of Illusion.
Unfortunately, Christian suffered from a pre-existing heart condition — she had trouble breathing and her heart was enlarged to four times its usual size. To make matters worse, Christian only had one lung.
While walking through the haunted house, Christian dropped to the ground and her mother unsuccessfully tried to perform resuscitation.

Christian’s grandmother, Betty, explained:

“They said she was like a time bomb.”

We wonder why Christian took part in the haunted house if she was in such a perilous condition, but at this point it doesn’t really matter — we just hope her family and friends can get through such a rough time.
Christian’s mother added:

“I did CPR until the paramedics arrived. And I trust God. He has the ultimate plan. She’s better off than we are├óΓé¼┬ªbecause of her faith in Christ I know she’s home.”

Ugh, what a terribly sad situation.
We send our condolences to Christian’s family.
[Image via Facebook.]