Who Needs A Drinking Game?? This Is The Oscars WORKOUT Game! Turn Hollywood's Biggest Night Into The Ultimate Fitness Regimen!

The Oscars are finally upon us, meaning it’s time to recognize some of the ultimate achievements in film over the past year! But with all of the downtime and long acceptance speeches, we thought it would be the perfect opportunity to squeeze in a little workout! So slap on some yoga pants and prepare to break a sweat by following our very own Oscars Workout Game!! The rules are pretty simple:
– Stretch during Ellen’s opening monologue
We can only imagine what Ellen DeGeneres has in store for us for her opening monologue, but chances are it will give us just enough time to stretch out! Get those muscles loose! We have a long show ahead of us!
– 20 Squats Every Time Someone Thanks God
There are going to be a lot of trophies handed out, and chances are the big man upstairs is going to come up in more than a few acceptance speeches! Use it as an opportunity to get your quads working!
– 15 Crunches Every Time Someone Thanks Harvey Weinstein
Harvey Weinstein will come up in so many speeches you’ll probably have a six-pack by the end of the night!
– Plank During Best Picture Nominee Recaps
Every best picture nominee is bound to be wrapped up in a nice minute-long video throughout the night. Challenge yourself to hold a plank throughout the entire clip!
– 20 Pushups Every Time A Speech Gets Cut Off
The dreaded “wrap it up” music will help give you arms like Arnold Schwarzenegger!
– 10 Lunges Every Time Someone Cries
Those water works are a perfect chance for you to work your glutes!
– 10 Burpees Every Time They Forget To Thank A Significant Other
Forgetting to thank your wife or hubby is the ultimate sin in acceptance speeches! Make up for the awful deed with some grueling cardio!
– Kegels For Leonardo DiCaprio
Does this one really need an explanation?
– Take A Sip Of Tea Wine Every Time You See Emma Thompson
OK, so we know this supposed to be a way to stay healthy during the Oscars, but if you’ve made it this far you’ve earned yourself a little drink!