Actual Presidential Nominee Jill Stein Is Losing To 'Deez Nutz' In Polls -- And Is Tied With Harambe The Gorilla

We’re so glad the electoral process is being taken seriously…
While the 2016 Presidential election has effectively come down to a race between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, there are still some candidates who don’t belong to either major party.
Unfortunately for said candidates… it doesn’t look like Americans are paying them very much attention.
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According to a survey released by Public Policy Polling on Tuesday, only 2 percent of voters would ever consider voting for Green Party nominee Jill Stein.
While that sounds bad enough on its own, that number ties Jill with none other than Harambe the Gorilla — the Cincinnati Zoo animal that was shot dead when a 4-year-old fell into his enclosure back in May.
But it gets worse… as it turns out, both Harambe and Jill are currently losing to fictional politician “Deez Nutz” aka a 15-year-old boy named Brody Olson from Iowa — who has support from a staggering 5 percent of the country.
At least Libertarian Gary Johnson‘s 6 percent has them all beat. But will Johnson drop below Deez Nutz by November?
Hey, as long as you don’t vote Trump, we won’t complain.
[Image via Jill Stein/YouTube.]