Ouch!! Here's The Wipeout Of The Summer! Watch This Girl Fall HARD Off Of The High Dive & Into The Pool Because Of Second Thoughts!

This girl needs Tom Daley to teach her how to dive like whoa!
Because when you wind up hitting concrete before you hit the water, something has gone terribly wrong!
Running towards the edge of a high dive, this unnamed youngster suddenly had second thoughts and tried to bail out. Too bad she ended up falling onto the level below her, SLAMMING her legs and then somersaulting all the way down with a giant splash!
A woman witnessing the whole thing can be heard screaming out in fear, “oh my God!”
But once she surfaced, everyone around the pool must have realized she was OK.
Nobody even asks her though if she’s hurt! Like, we’re assuming her knees are shattered in a million places after that spill!
Remember, Perezcious readers: swim safely this summer! And if you’re going to jump off the high dive, don’t decide you’re too scared of heights on your run up to the ledge!
Watch the epic high dive FAIL below!