A Worthwhile Cause

CLICK HERE to read up on and donate to a very worthwhile cause!

“About The Lambi Fund of Haiti
We are a diverse group of individuals from many walks of life who work together toward economic justice, democracy and alternative sustainable development in Haiti.

The Lambi Fund of Haiti is a 501(c)(3), tax exempt not for profit organization.

The Lambi Fund’s mission is to assist the popular, democratic movement in Haiti. Its goal is to help strengthen civil society as a necessary foundation of democracy and development. The fund channels financial and other resources to community-based organizations that promote the social and economic empowerment of the Haitian people.

Organizational Principles
The Lambi Fund supports projects that embrace the following principles: non-violent, non-partisan, community-based, promoting the advancement of women, using education and training for empowerment, and promoting the overall democratic movement.”