Ali Landry's Tips On How To Deal With The Tantrum

Ali Landry is a mother slash actress slash model, and knows how difficult a tantrum throw down by one of your little ones can be.
Thankfully, the gorgeous mom has given an EXCLUSIVE list of helpful tips for how to deal.
Here’s what Ali has to say:

“So far having I am having a completely different experience with my little boy, with everything from sleep, trying to climb out of his bed, not letting me out of my sight, etc. I am also preparing for the worse in regard to tantrums. I had such an easy time with Estela and only experienced a few throw yourselves on the floor, flailing arms and legs , screaming at the top of her lungs moments, but I am thinking things may be different with Marcelo. Estela has been for the most part, a very peaceful child by nature, but I think it also helps that I try to prepare her before every situation that could possibly lead to a tantrum. If we├óΓé¼Γäóre going to the mall, the grocery store, to visit someone, or whatever, I make sure to talk to her beforehand and give her a play-by-play of what the deal is going to be. I describe to her where we├óΓé¼Γäóre going, who is going to be there, what is going to happen and what is expected of her in terms of behavior; this way there are no surprises and most crises can be averted. Having snacks and toys on hand helps, too as well making sure she├óΓé¼Γäós had her nap.
Other moms I know who do have to deal with a tantrum or two every once in a while tell me that the best approach to handle a screaming child is to give them their own time and space to calm down. It’s important to remove them from the situation, even if it means you have to leave a cart full of groceries in the middle of the store. Just let them cool off on their own, then talk to them about it afterwards. Acknowledge their frustration and help them put their feelings into words by saying things like “you were angry because you didn’t want to leave the playground, but I couldn’t understand you because you were screaming.” Show them that expressing themselves verbally will get them better results, and that while what they did was not OK, you love them anyway.
I will be certainly keeping all of that in mind for when Marcelo reaches tantrum age, because I don├óΓé¼Γäót know if I will have it that easy the second time around.”

Great advice! That’s sure to help those tantrums disappear like phantoms!
Don’t forget to keep up with Ali via Twitter @AliLandry and @SpokesMoms.
And if you want anymore mommyhood tips or have any other parenting questions/ideas, U can always email us at!
[Image via WENN.]