Woman Punches Bear In The Face To Save Her Dog

This lady’s got some serious balls courage!

Black bears aren’t uncommon in Alaskan neighborhoods. Many are very comfortable walking right into a resident’s backyard. That’s exactly what happened when a large black bear walked into Brooke Collins’ backyard in Juneau and grabbed her dachshund, Fudge.

She didn’t see the bear when she let her dogs out, but she heard the barking immediately, calling it “the most horrible sound in the world.”

When she got outside, she saw the bear carrying her dog “like a salmon.”

In protective mommy mode she ran directly to the giant bear and punched it right in the nose!!

The bear was so surprised it dropped the dog and ran off into the woods! Go, gurl!

Reflecting on her reckless heroic actions, Collins said:

“It was all so fast. All I could think about was my dog was going to die. It was a stupid thing but I couldn’t help it. I know you’re not supposed to do that but I didn’t want my dog to be killed.”

Fudge suffered only some minor scratches and bite wounds. No veterinary action was necessary.

We DO NOT recommend punching bears. (because it├óΓé¼Γäós mean… and deadly.)

[Image via WENN.]