Alec Baldwin Blamed GLAAD For His Show Cancellation, But GLAAD Just Fired Back!

Oh, blame game. You slippery, sultry minx.
Alec Baldwin allegedly yelled a homophobic slur and now he’s out of a job.
According the actor and former MSNBC talk show host, reactionary bloggers and GLAAD members are to blame.
Well, getting thrown under the Baldwin bus didn’t sit too well with GLAAD’s VP of Communication Rich Ferraro and now he’s firing back!
Rich revealed:

“I consider GLAAD’s campaigns to end the Boy Scouts of America’s ban on gay scouts, raise national visibility of the violence and inequality facing transgender people, and battling for marriage equality to be among my ‘greatest triumphs.’ But if a teacher, coach, local radio show host, or parent realizes that anti-LGBT slurs are outdated and unacceptable because of this Baldwin issue, I guess we’ll call it a win. Alec Baldwin’s team has not been open to turning this incident into an opportunity for public education and that’s unfortunate.”

The “Baldwin issue’? Hey-oh! That’s quite a burn!
In all seriousness, anti-gay slurs are hurtful and unnecessary. Hopefully Alec takes this opportunity to educate himself and set a positive example within the community.