Three And A Half Denisofs Walk Down The Street...

It truly does not get much cuter than this.
A very preggers Alyson Hannigan and hubby Alexis Denisof took a stroll with the most adorable child on the planet, Satyana.
Being 2 1/2 clearly means being the happiest kid around town – and why not? Saty IS about to be a big sister after all!
Plus, she’s wearing a pretty pink dress and polka-dot socks. We are absolutely jealous of this kid’s style.
Aly always looks so radiant when she’s pregnant. And, you can’t beat that smile on her face.
So, so, sooooo excited for the new Denisof baby to impress us with his or her cuteness!
And to see more pics of this wonderful family, look below!
[Image via Ramey Pix.]