Amanda Bynes TOO DRUGGED To Remember Party Pics Being Taken!?

Any mention of the SCANDALOUS Amanda Bynes apartment photos, and you’ll get a (mostly tweeted) cacophony of: They’re real! They’re staged!! They’re legit! They’re doctored!! You’re beautiful! You’re ugly!!
Who knows anymore, right?!?!
Well, someone close to Amanda apparently claims to have the final answer.
They had A LOT to say about the pics AND the troubled starlet, including the following:

“Amanda has no grounds whatsoever to sue the magazine because that is her in the photos and it’s definitely inside her apartment. I’ve been in her apartment. That’s her bed and that’s her bathroom, and that’s Amanda. Amanda lives by ‘deny, deny, deny,’ so that’s what she’s doing. But she knows that’s her apartment and that’s her in the photos. She’s just embarrassed.”

Oh, but that’s not all. The icing on the cake? The source ALSO claimed:

“And she was obviously partying that night and probably doesn’t even remember the pictures being taken in the first place.”

Too drugged up to function?!? So thaaaat explains why Amanda is so adamant that those pics didn’t really happen!! According to this source, she doesn’t remember experiencing ANY of that! No wonder she’s so defensive!!
Well, in that case, Amanda, maybe next time you black out, make sure there aren’t any incriminating things objects people drugs whatever littering your apartment!
OR you could pull a Justin Bieber, and force everyone to sign documents threatening to sue if any party pics leak out!! LOLz!!
But the best thing would probably be to get help. We want the precious Amanda back!!!
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[Image via Twitter.]