Amber Rose And Baby Kinda Swim With The Fishies!

Amber Rose loves her baby Sebastian so much, and her nickname for him is priceless!

It’s Bash!

The model mommy took her little sweetheart and her lil’ bro to the aquarium the other day, and it looked like they had a flip-floppin’ good time!

Here’s what she wrote in the picture’s caption:

“Took Bashalini and my Lil brothers to the aquarium today. Bash liked the barracudas ├░┼╕╦£Γé¼”

He liked the barracudas?! Those are our favorites, too!

Amber has taken to her new role as mother like a fish takes to water! Ha!

We know this especially because of one of her recent tweets:

So cute!!!

Keep up the great parenting work with Bash, girl!

We know you will!

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[Image via Instagram.]