Next Week, On American Horror Story: Asylum...

We are STILL trying to catch our breath from the HOrrific INSANITY that was last night’s premiere of American Horror Story: Asylum!
Seriously! Is Ryan Murphy reaching new levels of twisted, claustrophobic depravity or WHAT?!
And of course, we mean that in the BEST of ways! That shiz was straight-up BRILLIANT!
But still majorly EFFED up! Ha!
However, for those of you wondering where our beloved Zachary Quinto was, fear not!
The actor will be making his first appearance in next week’s episode, Tricks and Treats, when he arrives to Briarcliff as a psychiatrist evaluating whether or not poor, alien-abducted Evan Peters is sane enough to stand trial!
Meanwhile, it seems as though Sarah Paulson will desperately try to escape her confinement before Jessica Lange and James Cromwell can find medical means to keep her quiet, and Chloe Sevigny and her nympho-tendancies may be causing more trouble, too!
Gah! This is all SO stressful to watch!
Now excuse us while we go back under the covers and hide there until next week!