Amy Duggar Reveals Jim Bob & Michelle Duggar Don't Want Her To 'Influence' Her Cousins -- Awkward!

The Duggars have strict rules when it comes to who their kiddos can spend time with — even if it’s their own cousin!
Recently, Amy Duggar King opened up on Instagram about her complicated relationship with the famous family and it seems the brunette beauty is still the black sheep of the brood. Awkward!
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In fact, one fan asked:

“I have a question for you. Since your cousin’s don’t watch t.v., do they ever come over to your house and stay for a night?”

Ooh, scandalous question! LOLz!
In case you forgot, the 29-year-old is close with the scandalized TLC family but she doesn’t abide by their traditional lifestyle choices. Still, it seems as though Miz King does make an effort respect their conservative decisions.
She responded:

“Hey there! We’ve had a girls night before and have gone out to eat. It’s a rule though that if I want to spend quality time with them I have to come see them. They don’t want me to influence them. So I respect their standards and I don’t fuss about it.”

Oh man! Although, it appears Amy is able to take the familial tension with grace as she added:

“It used to really bother me and then I realized that I just live knowing that God gives us grace. I can only be myself and even though we don’t see eye to eye on every little thing we are still family and I do still love them. :)”

Now that’s what we like to hear. Although, we do hope that Jim Bob and Michelle loosen their grip on their kids so they might have a better relationship with their cousin.
Fingers crossed!
[Image via Amy King/Instagram.]