The Anchorman 2 Trailer DROPS! Watch As The Legend Continues HERE!

We KNEW we we felt like staying especially classy, today!
And now, we know WHY!
After all sorts of fun this week watching the likes of Kanye West, Tina Fey, Amy Poehler and Kirsten Dunst filming their cameo appearances in the long-awaited Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues, they all PALE in comparison to the GLORY that is this just-released, first official theatrical trailer for what we’re sure will be a HIGHlarious sequel!
And although we don’t get to see any real footage of what’s to come, we couldn’t be more delighted to see Will Ferrell, David Koechner, Paul Rudd, and our beloved Steve Carell re-introducing their characters’ to our minds and hearts!
Well, sort of!
Just watch for yourself to find out what booze breath, snake venom, fat faces, and Easter all have in common (above)!