Starbucks Worker Goes On Trenta-Sized Tirade -- Watch The Rant That Has Gone Viral!

You’ve heard of unruly customers, but how about unruly servers?
Ruby Chen found herself on the receiving end of a trenta-sized tirade last week at a Starbucks in Queens, New York. While she was pulling up her Starbucks app to pay for the frappuccino and edible straw, Ruby failed to hear the worker call her name. That apparently infuriated the worker.
[ Related: Did Kenny G Invent The Frappuccino? ]
The worker accused Ruby of stealing the straw and then asked a fellow employee to call the cops because she felt Ruby was holding the straw at eye level and threatening her. Ch-ch-check out the unbelievable video below.

Help to share this too much attitude at Starbuck on grand ave 86-51 Broadway elmhurst New York 11373 on Tuesday may 12th ,2015 her name is Melissa she called the cop and the cop told Chinese lady to complain online . She didn’t act like manager and all the time she has high attitude to the customer
Posted by Pennapa Castro on Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Ruby asked to speak to a manager, which the worker claimed to be (in reality, she was only a shift supervisor).
The worker gave Ruby an ultimatum:

“Which one you wanna do? Leave with the straw or get arrested!”

A few other customers came to Ruby’s defense but also got chastised by the manager.
After Ruby submitted a complaint with the video as proof, the worker was fired. Starbucks issued the following statement:

“This customer’s experience is not reflective of the service our partners provide to customers every day. Our leadership team is reaching out to the customer to apologize and make this right.”

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Ruby was offered a $100 gift card as part of her compensation.
What’s your worst server experience? Tell us in the comments below!
[Image via Facebook.]