Anna 'Chickadee' Cardwell Goes On Dr. Phil & Calls Mama June A Liar: 'She's Lied My Entire Life!'

If these accusations are true, this is just adding insult to injury.
Anna “Chickadee” Cardwell alleges that her mother, Mama June, is a complete liar, totally incapable of ever telling the truth. Anna sat down with Dr. Phil (airing tomorrow, Dec. 11) and opened up about her slowly dissolving relationship with her mother.
It all started when Mama June started bringing sex offender Mark McDaniel (Anna’s molester!!) around her family again! Adding insult to injury, Anna has claimed Mama June has mismanaged or even straight up lied about her money!
Since Anna was a minor when the Here Comes Honey Boo Boo money started rolling in, Mama June was in charge of all the bank accounts.
When Anna found her joint bank account held with her mother had only $17.89 in it, she asked her momma for the money. Anna said:

“So I call the bank in [hometown] Milledgeville, [Ga.] and I ask him, I say, ‘Hey, is there any account underneath my name?’ They said, ‘Yeah, there is a savings account with 17 dollars and 89 cents in it.’ So I’m like, ‘Okay, what happened here?’ So I call my mother, she said, ‘Well, I moved all of it, I took all [of it] cause all the girls say, ‘You know what? Just give her her money, just give it, give it to her.’ Well, she said, ‘I’m sending whatever [is] left.’ She sent me a picture of it. She said, ‘This is all of what’s left in your account: $15,400.’ She was supposed to send it the next day. Well, she says she ‘sent it’ — no letter came, never got anything.”

Mama June claims to have totally sent her a check, saying:

“I gave her $400 a month. I didn’t have to give her that till she turned 21. And then, I’ve got a cashier’s check that I can show you that I sent her, which was the rest of the money in her account.”

Anna’s response to that?

“Never got that check.”

This isn’t the only time Anna claims her mother has lied to her.
[ Related: Man Arrested For Death Threats Against Mama June! ]
Mama June told Dr. Phil she wasn’t even aware of Anna’s sexual abuse until two-and-a-half years ago, and Anna says that’s just not true, saying:

“She’s lied my entire life. She doesn’t have the ability to tell the truth.”

That’s just so sad.
We really wish these two weren’t at odds but with all that’s happened we’re surprised they’re not suing each other back and forth.
All we know is we hope Mama June’s number one priority is protecting her children, especially little Alana.