Ariel Winter Dubs 2016 The 'Year Of The Ass' As She Once Again Put Her Cheeks On Display!

Ariel Winter certainly knows how to flaunt her ASSets!
On Sunday, the Modern Family actress took to Instagram to once again flaunt her butt cheeks to her 2+ million followers. Hey do you, girl!
Related: Ariel Flaunts Her Dramatic New ‘Do
For the pic (above), the 18-year-old wrote:

“Window pics with bae ├░┼╕┬ìΓÇÿ #yearoftheass #thASSright #punnyasf*ck”

HIGHlarious! Of course, this particular photo came shortly after the It-girl showed off her bikini body in a video on IG (below).

The girl is CLEARLY feeling herself these days. LOLz!
The millennial didn’t stop there as she also took to Snapchat to update her fans on how her holiday in Mexico is going. It wasn’t long before fans noticed the up-and-comer was looking pretty cozy with fellow actor Levi Meaden. Perhaps he’s the one Miz Winter was twerking for in one snap (below)?

AH-Mazing! Ariel has definitely grown up quite a bit since hitting her milestone birthday back in January. Still the industry vet has always been wise beyond her years as she’s regularly vocalized her thoughts on body confidence!
Way to slay the game, girl!
[Image via Ariel Winter/Instagram.]