Ashton Kutcher Will NOT Be Paying Demi Moore Any Spousal Support! Get Divorce Deets HERE!

We were happy to hear Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore were finally able to put their irreconcilable differences aside and finally reach a divorce settlement.
We just wondered how much it would cost the mega-wealthy Ashton!
Well, it turns out less than you might think!
From what we hear, Demi was driving hard for spousal support on the grounds that Ashton totes Punk’d another woman while they were married!
But she finally relented when she found out California’s no fault law is clear – even if Ashton cheated right there in court, he still wouldn’t have to pay spousal support!
Sorry, gurl! But when it came time to divide their belongings, Ashton did try to make up for it somewhat; he was reportedly “a little more generous than he needed to be.”
But seeing as he wasn’t yet making his huge Two And A Half Men money, it still wasn’t all that much!
Oh well! At least it’s finally over!
Ch-ch-check out the pics (below) to see the couple in happier times!
[Image via Apega/WENN.]