Bachelor In Paradise Producer: Drunken Hookups Go Too Far 'All The Time'

This Bachelor In Paradise scandal may go further than we thought.
What started out as “allegations of misconduct” between BIP cast members may turn out to be an indictment of the entire Bachelor franchise.
In case you haven’t been following, Corinne Olympios has said she does not remember her sexual encounter with DeMario Jackson, leading many to question whether she was too drunk to give consent. And the entire thing was apparently captured by cameras.
Video: Everything We Know So Far About The Bachelor In Paradise Scandal
Now a former producer for the franchise says this is nothing new in the Bachelor Nation. WHAT??
The producer tells People:

“It’s par for the course that there is a drunken hookup that went too far ├óΓé¼ΓÇ¥ that certainly goes on all the time.”

How do they think someone being too drunk to consent to sex is something they should be letting happen?? We hope that’s not what this TV professional is admitting here.
He also says the cameras never stop rolling, so all these questionable sexual encounters are on film:

“There’s a lot of sex on the various shows that happens that never airs. There are cameras everywhere and there’s nowhere to hide, so when cast members behave outrageously, they allow themselves to forget there are cameras ├óΓé¼ΓÇ¥ and just get caught up in the moment.”

The producer says Paradise‘s party atmosphere is what leads to all the bad behavior:

“It’s like real life is suspended. Time is just different there. You’re filming around the clock, production is around-the-clock and it’s around-the-clock partying. It’s a party vibe, and that’s generally the way that the show works.”

Sounds like a frat party to us. Not the safest environment for a woman to be in.
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Despite revealing all that, the former producer is still defending the show when it comes to wrongdoing:

“Producers aren’t forcing people to do questionable things. There are no storylines written. The worst thing they’ll do is let people know that the people who succeed here tend to make a lot of friends, or find someone to be in a relationship with.”

So they egg them on? What about when things go too far?

“Producers absolutely step in if they think there is something bad going on. They’re all over the place and monitoring absolutely everything. The majority of producers are women and there’s a real sensitivity to this sort of stuff about being taken advantage of.”

So where do they draw the line?

“If someone’s had a few drinks, but seem to know what they’re doing, you’re probably going to let that go. If someone is passing out or slurring, you’re going to take care of them.”

Seems like a fine line to us. In fact, it kinda sounds like this was bound to happen eventually.
So was this a horrible, isolated incident? Or was the Bachelor In Paradise set was a sexual assault waiting to happen??
What do YOU think??
[Image via ABC.]