'Bachelor In Paradise' Recap: Surprising Breakups, Fantasy Suites, & More!

Well, it’s all come down to this.
It’s the last week in Paradise and some of the season’s strongest couples (and the producers) saved their best on-screen moments for last. Who could’ve seen Grocery Store Joe and Kendall, or Kevin and Astrid calling it quits?! Don’t worry, we’ll get to that…
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Everything else pretty much felt like background noise in comparison, but here’s your Bachelor in Paradise recap:
Jenna & Jordan
America’s National Treasure Jordan Kimball shocked us all by actually being one of the most decent guys in Paradise this season! He’s reassured and fought for Jenna Cooper at every turn, and this week’s date card gave the two quirky love birds a look into their future. J & J were chosen to take mock engagement and wedding photos, and it puts the pressure on. Jenna started to panic about just how real her feelings are for Jordan, and whether he’s truly all in. The 26-year-old male model assures her that if she left him, “there would be no more romance.” Aww!
Random Robby
Oh Robby… While producers would have us believe Robby Hayes came looking for love (third times a charm?) it feels more like he was looking for a check and some ABC screen time, coming in so late in the process. He isn’t received well by the already-coupled-up Paradise lovers, who can’t stop bringing up his past relationship with Bachelor alum Amanda Stanton. After failing to steal Jenna’s attention, or get a date with anyone on the beach at all really, Hayes has no choice left but to give it a shot with Shushanna Mkrtychyan. Though they later decide to just be friends, Shu gives Robby her rose, and sends fellow latecomer Diggy Moreland home at the next rose ceremony.
Everyone else:
Venmo John and latest love interest Olivia Goethals decide to leave Paradise together, and test the waters in the real world.
New Zealand Jordan & Cassandra Ferguson decide to leave separately once it’s clear there’s no future in sight.
Okay, now that you’re all caught up, let’s get to the real heartbreak of this episode.
Joe & Kendall
It was beyond painful (and confusing) to watch Kendall break Joe’s heart. These two suffered their fair share of ups and downs, but one thing was always clear: Joe liked Kendall. The Chicago grocer assures her:

“I like you. I like your soul.”

He continues by not-so-jokingly saying he wants to get engaged to her at some point. Kendall’s immediate reaction to Joe expressing his feelings is ice cold. She admits to being confused and needing ‘to sleep on it’ all. The next day, the couple tries to hash out the disconnect with Kendall admitting:

“I feel like when we were talking about being exclusive, I got a sense of it being not because we generally wanted to, but because we felt we had to.”

Whoa. Really Kendall?! You feel obligated to love one of the sweetest guys this franchise has ever seen?!
Kendall goes on to say that she loves Joe but isn’t sure that she’s in love, and wasn’t aware that Joe really felt that strongly about being with her post-Paradise until now. Joe is incredulous and heartbroken as the two leave Paradise alone.
Kevin & Astrid
The strongest day-one couple also met their demise last night. The looming thought of Fantasy Suites drudges up some bad memories for Kevin, and he begins to spiral. The Canadian questions his once rock solid relationship with Astrid, eventually breaking up with her and leaving Paradise. Astrid is stunned, tweeting last night that she definitely didn’t see it coming:

The last remaining couples Jordan and Jenna, Krystal and Chris, and Annaliese and Kamil head to the Fantasy Suites to take their relationships to the next level.
And there you have it! Part One of the “most dramatic finale ever” is over.
Perezcious readers of Bachelor Nation, surprised by these breakups?! Think we’ll see any lasting couples on the reunion show?
Sound off in the comments (below)!
[Image via ABC/YouTube.]