Bad Britney: Take Her Children Away!

She is out of control, and many people are concerned for the safety and well-being of her children.
Britney Spears defied a court order by taking her children to Las Vegas on Thursday. Unfortunately for the former pop star, she failed to get written permission from Kevin Federline, who shares 50/50 joint custody, to take the kids out of state.
Once K-Fed got wind of Britney’s illegal Sin City visit, he demanded that she return to Los Angeles with their children.
Spears’ stay in Vegas was all-too-brief and totally disastrous.
Britney’s bodyguard, Julie “JC” Camera, got into a fight with a paparazzo by the name of Kyle Henderson at the Wynn Hotel, Us Weekly is reporting.
Camera allegedly shoved the photog in the chest and accidentally hit toddler Tater Tot in the process.
The paparazzo then alleges that Spears started yelling while Camera tackled his partner to the ground and began punching.
Wynn security asked all parties involved to leave and the Las Vegas police were called to take statements.
As of 5:30 P.M. Thursday afternoon, Spears had checked out of the hotel and hopefully she’s heading back to Los Angeles.
It has become apparently clear: Doesn’t Britney behave like a woman that has severe psychological issues??????? We think this bitch is totally bipolar and needs to get the help that she needs. She’s manic!
[Image via Celebrity Babylon.]