The Bad Girls Club Is Home To A Homophobe!

If you watch the video above, you can see Shelley get into it with a homophobic protestor at Mardi Gras.

She spits in his face (not the classiest moment but a classic BGC move), but he continues yelling at her, calling her a whore (reeaallll Christian).

Afterward, one of Shelley’s “best friends” in the house, Tasha goes on her own homophobic rant:

I’ve never met anyone in my life who flaunts their gayness as much as Shelly does. It’s disgusting and wrong.

But then, after suffering an audience backlash, Tasha posts on the website:

I don’t think it├óΓé¼Γäós right to be gay. The Bible says it should be between a woman and a man. Although, I do have plenty of gay friends that I love and support, I personally don’t think it├óΓé¼Γäós right.

Am I homophobic? What a joke! No way! I’m just standing up for what I believe in. I do not care about anyone’s sexual preference. It has NOTHING to do with me!!!!

She then continues, talking about her respect for the woman she finds disgusting.

UGH. Rolling our eyes!

You’re right, Tash! It has NOTHING to do with you! And why do you say you don’t care when you also say it’s wrong and disgusting? Also, how can you support someone when you’re probably against them getting married (as we assume since you’re thumping the Bible).
