Banana Republic Goes Gay! If You Love Equality, You'll Smile Over These New Ads!

Next in line to use “real people” over models to promote their clothes: Banana Republic!
And they’ve landed on a gay couple, which is sorta appropriate considering the phallic shape of their eponymous fruit. Ha!!
Anyway. Nestled in with a handful of other “real” couples and families is one of the cutest same-sex couples in existence: interior designers Nate Berkus and Jeremiah Brent! In case you weren’t aware, Nate’s known for his design work with Oprah while Jeremiah was formerly employed by Rachel Zoe.
The dashing pair poses in multiple amazing pics, and their true love totally shines through!
Trey Laird, the chief creative officer behind the new campaign, explained that the latest ads were meant:

├óΓé¼┼ô…to reflect our world and how we live in a true, genuine way. We create messages that sometimes are clever, but often there├óΓé¼Γäós not a lot of reality to them; they feel set up. Letting authenticity be our guide brings a lot of emotion into it.├óΓé¼┬¥

Great approach — and one that├óΓé¼Γäós being used more and more of late!
Catherine Sadler, global chief marketing officer at BR added:

“Today, people want to connect with brands that understand who they are. Showcasing true relationships can resonate more deeply.”

Also, as a company based in San Fransisco, Catherine thought it was important to reflect:

├óΓé¼┼ô…values of diversity and inclusion we├óΓé¼Γäóve shared since our early days.├óΓé¼┬¥

Truly inspiring!!
Love the amount of sexual diversity we’ve been seeing in the fashion world of late.
Keep this stuff coming, people!!
[Image via Banana Republic.]