BANKS Robs Us Of Our Innocence With Her Truly Creepy Trainwreck Music Video! Watch!

No Amy Schumers were harmed in the making of this music video.
BANKS was already one of our absolute fave alt-pop pop stars prior to Tuesday morning… but now there’s no questioning it!
That’s because the 28-year-old singer just dropped the music video for her new track Trainwreck — and it’s as mesmerizing as it is creepy!!
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Basically, it feels like a mini-episode of American Horror Story: Hotel… only there’s actually a discernible plot to follow.
Seriously — Who knew The Gentlemen from Buffy the Vampire Slayer were still hanging out together?!
Plus, the song itself couldn’t be any catchier!
Ch-ch-check out BANKS’ Trainwreck music video (above)!!!