Banksy Blasts A Billboard In El Lay!

But it went just as soon as it came.
Yesterday, we were thrilled to hear Banksy was back on the prowl, popping up in some discreet places with some fresh new paint. However, we’ve just gotten word that he popped up AGAIN, and this time he went all out!
As peeps were commuting to work this week in Hollywood, they were greeted by a huge billboard blasted with Banksy’s art on Sunset Blvd. For several days, his Mickey Mouse inspired graffiti graced the skies to the delight of all of his fans. However, this morning, the billboard company sent workers to take the art down. Apparently, CBS doesn’t rank as one of Banksy’s fans. We hear the local gas station positioned right under the billboard offered the workers $10k for the art, but the company refused.
What makes this story really interesting is that the billboard clients, The Light Group, are actually FURIOUS that their ad was taken down. While some companies would have been ticked off that their ad was “destroyed” like that, The Light Group told sources they were “flattered” Banksy chose their billboard as his canvas and would have been happy to have kept it up. They insist that it was CBS’ outdoor advertising department’s decision to tear it down, not theirs. In a statement to sources, the company’s rep explained:

“We’re extremely pissed … It’s our billboard that got tagged .. it’s not their billboard … CBS clearly has ZERO appreciation for art!!! We were flattered Banksy tagged on our ad — it was epic.”

The Light Group was told it will be allowed to keep the work of art, but so far, they haven’t received it.
Total bummer! We wish more people would learn to appreciate Banksy’s skill and mystery! Boo on you, CBS!
[Image via WENN.]