Bar Refaeli Lifts Weights While Showing Off Her Baby Bump!

Bar Refaeli
is maintaining her fitness while pregnant!
The supermodel shared a shot on Tuesday of herself lifting weights in a sports bra and leggings with her growing baby bump in full view!
Related: Bar Shows Off Her Cute Butt
She’s still toned as ever! Only her stomach has grown, and you just know she’s gonna pull a Chrissy Teigen-snapback after she gives birth!
The 30-year-old captioned the image:

“No excuses, no filter, no abs ├░┼╕ΓÇÖ┬¬├░┼╕┬Å┬╝”

LOLz! The abs will be back in no time, girl!
See more pics of her baby bump in the gallery (above)!
[Image via Bar Refaeli/Instagram]