Barbara Walters Retires TODAY! Here Are 12 Of Her Best TV Moments!

Goodbyes are always bittersweet!
Today marks the end of Barbara Walters‘ 50 year reign on television!
After numerous and AH-Mazing interviews throughout her career, the famous journalist announced her retirement from the TV and broadcast news world last year!
Although we may not be seeing her beautiful face and demeanor on the small screen anymore, that doesn’t mean she won’t be involved in anything and everything that goes on behind the scenes!
To commemorate the last 50 years of her AH-Mazing and incredible career, here are 12 of her best moments and interviews on television!
Ch-ch-check ’em out (below)!!
Let’s kick off this list with Barbara’s infamous interview with Monica Lewinsky after the Bill Clinton scandal. It easily became one of the most watched news program in all of TV history!

Barbara’s first interview with Cuban dictator Fidel Castro in 1977 was pretty controversial. Although she has only interviewed Fidel twice in her career, the first interview will go down in history — due to the fact that it gave the world a real look at the Cuban dictator.

Anna Wintour isn’t always in the media spotlight and doing interviews, but when she is, you can bet your bottom dollar it’s with the Babs!!

Who didn’t think it was the cutest thing in the world when Justin Bieber taught the TV veteran how to dougie. LOLz!

When she made Oprah shed tears on TV!!

Babs held nothing back when she told the Kardashians they had no talent!

We can’t forget about this one! Remember the time when Babs asked Katharine Hepburn what kind of tree she would be. LOLz! What the what??

Her interview with Michael Jackson was very interesting…

Admittedly Barbara’s interview with Lucille Ball was a little awks since the journalist asked the I Love Lucy star hard hitting questions about her first marriage while her second husband was in the room!

Remember when the award winning journalist interviewed Hilary Clinton recently? She grilled the politician about running for president in 2016 and steered away from asking Hilary about her hair. Ha!

Bette Midler getting Barbara to shed a few tears on The View!

And the best of all, Barbara poking fun at herself on Saturday Night Live!