Barbara Walters Tears Up On Piers Morgan Live! Regrets She Didn't Have More Kids!

Barbara Walters has done more in her lifetime than most people would be able to do in three lifetimes!
But the grass always looks greener on the other side, and Barbara regrets that her career did not allow her to have more children.
Which she told to Piers Morgan on his show this past Tuesday.
Her teary response was enough to break the hardest of hearts! Even Piers felt something while she was talking! We know he did cause we see his face twitch for a second. We think.
But seriously Barbara Walters is the best! And, after all the years of getting people to cry on her shoulder on live TV, she’s turned around and done it to herself!
We’re ALL Barbara Walters’ kids! In a totally not creepy way!
Check out the video by clicking PLAY directly (above) !!!