Barbra Streisand Graces Lea Michele With A Gift!

A musical Empress imparting a gift to a silver-tongued princess! How glee-orious!
Glee‘s golden girl Lea Michele received a rather special present recently from the Funny Girl herself, Barbra Streisand!
Lea tweeted her jubilation over the gift, writing:

“Just got this in the mail!!!!!! Is this real life!!??”

We wonder is Babs saw Lea’s rendition of Being Good Isn’t Good Enough and wanted to send a gift of appreciation?!
Goodness we would just die. Simply combust in a cloud of ecstatic glitter!
Now they just need to get Barbra on the show… for a Lea Michele duet!!!! THAT WOULD BE EVERYTHING.
To find out WHAT the Goddess that is Barbra Streisand sent to Lea, click …AFTER THE JUMP!!!

The golden writing reads:

“For Lea — Would have liked to give you a hug! Next time… xx Barbra.”

[Image via WENN.]