Attn. Fanilows! Barry Is Releasing A New Album - With All New Music!!!

He writes the songs that make the whole world sing and young girls cry and so on and so forth, so… get excited!!!

Barry Manilow just announced that on June 14th, he’ll be releasing his first original album in 10 years. Titled 15 Minutes, the album has 15 brand new tracks that were written and recorded over the past two years with help from lyricist Enoch Anderson. Of the album, Barry reveals:

“Fame and success are something we all strive for, and yet when we get it how do we behave? That question jumps out at us daily from magazine covers, TV news and online gossip sites. In my world of entertainment, I’ve watched perfectly decent and talented people achieve the success they’ve been striving for only to crash and burn as their star rises. … It’s something that continues to fascinate us, and for me it represented an interesting musical journey to explore.”

Sounds fun! We’re thrilled to hear what you have in store for us, Barry.

Oh, and for those Fanilows out there who think waiting until June is just too much to bear, fear not! Barry is scheduled to debut the album on a QVC Presents Q Sessions Live broadcast on May 26 at 8pm. Barry will sing a few a of the songs on the disc as well as present a special offer for the album only to QVC customers.

Because that is the way Manilow roooooolls!

[Image via WENN.]