Beat The Burn! Summer Tips!

We’re all gonna be outside this summer, as it’s shaping up to be BEAUTIFUL!
We just need to protect our skin and bodies from the elements!
Luckily, Margaux J. Rathbun is here to give us some fab tips on how to do just that!

It’s that time of year when the weather is gorgeous and you want to spend as much time as possible outside. Be sure to protect yourself by wearing a natural sunscreen before heading outside to play, walk, garden, or swim. If you get too much sun, drink plenty of water to help with the drying effects of the burn. Carry a BPA-free water bottle with you to stay hydrated during the day. You can even squeeze some lemon juice into the bottle for a healthy dose of vitamin C. Eat a diet full of fresh fruits and vegetables to help provide your skin the nutrients it needs to heal and stay healthy. It’s also important to include plenty of “good fats” in your diet from foods like nuts, salmon, chia seeds, coconut oil, and olives to help promote healing for your skin. Soothe the burn with fresh aloe vera and a good night’s rest to help your body recover.

For more nutrition tips, visit Margaux’s website Authentic Self Wellness or follow her on Twitter @MargauxRathbun — and if U wanna know more about summer OR anything else, U can always email us at!!