Bella Thorne Reveals Her Crush On Demi Lovato -- 'Demi Is Fire, Just Fire'

Bella Thorne
keeps it real!
The actress talks about her bisexuality and girl crushes in the latest issue of Maxim magazine. And her crushes are two people we’re sure lots of others tag in their #wcw posts!
Related: Bella Reveals Her #ManCrush
She said:

Demi Lovato. I must say├óΓé¼┬ªrawrrrr. She is a pretty toasty woman. Miley Cyrus, too. She’s dope. But Demi is fire, just fire.”

The 19-year-old further speaks on her sexual orientation, admitting that it wasn’t a big deal for her to reveal her status to the world:

“I didn’t even think about [coming out]. A fan on Twitter asked me, and I’m super open about it. So I just said, “Yeah!”

But she also acknowledges there’s been some backlash from the industry, saying:

“It is hard in this business for us. It really is. I have already had people talk shit to me. And it comes from people in the industry, not even fans. I’ve had studios tell me my image is too “out there,” hinting at it but not really saying it.”

Still, she’s cool with being who she is and isn’t about to tailor her ways to cater to others:

“People tell me all the time about my social media and my Snapchat, but I’m not going to change myself for this business, and I’m not going to change myself for anyone else. “

Right on, girl! You keep doing you!
[Image via AKM-GSI/Getty Images.]