BET's Scheming Internal Emails Surrounding B. Scott's Forced Wardrobe Change REVEALED! Read Them HERE!

Oh wow.
We didn├óΓé¼Γäót think this situation could look much worse for BET — but now that some EXTREMELY volatile internal emails have leaked to the public, things look wayyyy worse than they already were!!
We reported earlier that openly transgender B. Scott was hired to be BET’s “Style Stage Correspondent” at the BET Awards last year, but upon arrival was subsequently asked to dress more masculine and remove his makeup. B. Scott was angry about being forced to change but obliged, and then ended up being replaced by Adrienne Bailon anyway!!
The wardrobe dramz has since turned into a full-blown lawsuit — and now BET├óΓé¼Γäós REAL feelings on the matter are being leaked through internal emails gone rogue!
The emails reveal a very conniving side to the network, and paint the head honchos there in a VERY negative light.
BET’s Music Programming President Stephen Hill wrote the following about B. Scott:

“I don’t want ‘looking like a woman B Scott.’ I want tempered B Scott.”

While Network VP Rhonda Cowan replied:

“I can speak to him about being less ‘womanly.'”

And coming from a network that claims to “embrace global diversity”, no less!!
We are SHOCKED by their intolerance!
However Monique Ware, a Senior Director at the network, probably displayed the most scheming behavior of all. She wrote an email saying:

“The spin should be he was late for a live show and subsequently replaced and it would have been awkward in a live show to have the person assuming his role removed and him inserted. Unless we can make public the reason we didn’t want him dressed the way he normally does, I would stay away from suits, suit selections, etc.”

So basically, she wanted to lie about the whole thing and pretend it never happened! Except that it did.
Sounds like a nasty attempted cover-up to us!!
Think this’ll come back and bite them in the butt??
[Image via Love B. Scott.]