Bethenny Frankel's Talk Show Ratings Hit Rock Bottom!

Poor Bethenny Frankel!!!!
The former Real Housewife has proven to be a FIERCE businesswoman with her Skinny Girl empire, but that hasn’t done much to help her daytime hosting career!
Although Bethenny saw a BIG climb on the ratings latter in late October, last week her show plummeted to a sad number 14 on the weekly syndication ratings roundup.
Maybe folks just checked out after Courtney Stodden admitted she doesn’t read or write??! HA!
For a woman that is so used to being number 1, the fight to keep her talk show alive has got to be a blow to the ego!
If it were ANYONE else, we’d advise her to bow out gracefully before getting yanked off the air, but Bethenny is a SURVIVOR!
Perhaps it’s time to bring estranged hubby Jason Hoppy on-screen for a televised duel??! It’s pretty clear last month’s cat fight with Omarosa raked in the viewers!
Just a suggestion! LOLz!