Beyoncé And Jay-Z Lose Battle For 'Blue Ivy'

What’s in a name?
Well, if the name is Blue Ivy, a lot of money and a big ole fight!
Ever since they came up with the pretty unique name, Beyoncé and Jay-Z have been trying to trademark it.
But someone else got there first!
Veronica Alexander wasn’t trying to steal anything from Bey and Jay- she named her wedding planner company way back in 2009.
Veronica says she wasn’t trying to keep the name to herself- just to protect her business. She says:

“My company had been called Blue Ivy since 2009. I came up with the name, and if they had won my business could have been restricted.
It was important for me to protect the name of my company. We are very successful as wedding planners and wanted to stay that way.
Of course Blue Ivy is a lovely name, but I had to make sure that I would be able to continue using it for my business.”

We understand how Veronica feels. We just wish there were a way for everyone to get what they want!
Maybe there is… Veronica says:

“If Beyonc├â┬⌐ and Jay-Z want to buy me out I’d welcome that.”

Is the power couple willing to buy the name? We know they have enough money!
Guess we’ll just have to wait and see!
One thing’s for sure- Blue Ivy really is a very pretty name!
[Image via Twitter.]