Beyoncé Has A Pants-Off Dance-Off In Her 7/11 Video! Watch The Entire Thing HERE!

This woman works FAST!
It wasn’t long after Beyonc├â┬⌐‘s leaked song 7/11 hit the Internet before she gave everyone what they really want: her music video!
A snippet was posted to her Instagram, but a few seconds is never enough Bey, so she quickly released the entire video!
[ Related: New Beyoncé Songs Finally Leaked In Full! Listen To ALL Of 7/11 & Ring Off HERE! ]
Shot at the Beverly Wilshire Hotel this month, Queen Bey and her dancers get silly, silly, SILLY as they dance around in their undies, with the singer even using her foot as a telephone at one point! LOLz!
It’s not the most official-looking video ever, but it sure is fun!
Ch-ch-check it out (below)!