Bill O'Reilly Makes Outrageous Claim About The Trump Sexual Harassment Accusers!

There may be no person we’d want to hear from on the subject of sexual harassment LESS than Bill O’Reilly.
But this was such bullshit, we just HAD to discuss.
The former Fox News host, who has had plenty of his own misconduct allegations and coverup scandals, defended Donald Trump on Glenn Beck‘s podcast this month.
Related: Kathy Griffin & Her Mom BLAST O’Reilly In Response To His Podcast Invitation!
On a podcast. Because he isn’t on TV anymore. Because of a sexual harassment scandal.
Anyway, what he said was that there was a secret tape proving at least one of the women accusing Trump was being paid. He said:

“There is a tape ├óΓé¼┬ª an audio tape of an anti-Trump person offering $200,000 to a woman to accuse Donald Trump of untoward behavior… My attorney, he listened to it. There are at least three crimes on the tape.”

We just want to be clear. There’s no way this can be true, right? We don’t believe there is such a tape.
This is a tactic employed by Trump himself a couple times, as you may recall. He said there was audio proof he didn’t offend the widow of a fallen soldier, there were ‘tapes’ of his talk with James Comey proving he didn’t obstruct justice.
But guess what we never heard? Because they were clearly non-existent. But his base hears that shit and says, “SEE, IT WAS PROVEN!” They forget over the weeks that those tapes never came out.
Related: Trump Harasses Senator Kirsten Gillibrand In Grossly Suggestive Tweet
See how that works?
As if with all the people trying to discredit these women such a tape would never have come out. But O’Reilly says he may just have to release it himself for the good of the country:

“I may have to go to the U.S. attorney myself. I don’t want to have to do that and inject myself into the story… as a citizen I may have to do this.”

Mark our words. This tape is not coming.
[Image via Fox News.]