These Companies Had No Idea Their Ads Were On The O'Reilly Factor -- And They're PISSED!

Fox News has already been hit in the pocketbook by this Bill O’Reilly sexual harassment scandal. Now they’re getting kicked while they’re down.
With at least 52 companies pulling their ads from The O’Reilly Factor, the network has had a hard time keeping the hour’s commercial break time fair and balanced.
They’ve been airing a lot of local ads during the show but also moved some nonspecific Fox News advertisers to the time slot.
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Aaaaand that move cost them.
See, two of the companies didn’t like finding out their ads were aired during Wednesday night’s show, especially because they NEVER advertise during O’Reilly.
A Crowne Plaza hotels spokesman told The Wrap:

“We have a very explicit do not advertise list, which includes The O’Reilly Factor. Unfortunately, there was a breakdown between the media buying agency and Fox News that led to this inadvertent airing. Since we learned of this, we addressed this issue immediately with the agency and are suspending advertising on Fox News until we understand how this occurred and can be assured this will not happen again.”

It’s almost as if, like quietly settling FIVE sexual harassment suits, the network thought they wouldn’t notice. Hmm.
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This clearly wasn’t an isolated incident though. A rep for MyPillow said:

“MyPillow did not know its ad was going to run during last night’s ├óΓé¼╦£The O’Reilly Factor.’ It does not buy ad time in Bill O’Reilly’s show.”

And MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell announced unequivocally:

“I have pulled our ads, effective immediately, from the prime time airing of ├óΓé¼╦£The O’Reilly Factor.’ MyPillow does not condone sexual harassment or any of the allegations against Bill O’Reilly.”

So now Fox News itself is losing advertising money that wasn’t even related to The O’Reilly Factor. It sounds like the show isn’t just failing to carry its own weight — it’s starting to become a liability!
We can’t imagine O’Reilly will last very long at this rate.
[Image via Fox News.]