Watch Billy Eichner Ask Nyle DiMarco Out On A Date -- Who's Jealous??

This wouldn’t be a difficult question for us to answer!
If you’re not completely obsessed with deaf model/all-around hottie Nyle DiMarco by now… then we don’t know what’s wrong with you.
Not only is the dreamboat a TWO TIME reality show winner — America’s Next Top Model and Dancing with the Stars — but the 27-year-old has also been an advocate for sexual fluidity!
Related: Billy Eichner’s Twitter War With Ross Mathews Is Gay Gold!
Seeing as he falls somewhere on the queer spectrum, Nyle made sure to get some LGBT work in following his DWTS championship, and he ended up in the arms of none other than Billy Eichner!
No… this isn’t some Billy on the Street sketch, Nyle actually plays a one-off love interest for Billy on Season Two of Difficult People on Hulu, which just dropped on Monday!
In the scene, Billy works up the courage to ask Nyle’s character Doug out on a date… but doesn’t quite realize that Doug is deaf — It’s a good thing John Early is there to serve as Doug’s awkward interpreter, though! LOLz!
Ch-ch-check out Billy and Nyle’s adorable Difficult People meet cute (below)!!!

[Image via Hulu.]