Watch Drunk Blake Shelton Take 'A Giant Shit Fall' While Dancing Onstage!

At least Blake Shelton is able to laugh at himself!
The “Sexiest Man Alive” was performing at the Pendleton Whisky Music Fest in Oregon on Saturday night and taking full advantage of the “whisky” part.
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While trying to dance, he fell on his ass — and rather than try to cover it up actually begged fans to post video of the debacle on Twitter!
He wrote:

Hilariously, he also blamed Pitbull, who was also performing at the festival:

Thankfully a couple Blake fans came through, one of which had a real nice angle on the tumble:

And a longer one if you like!

Ha! Of course, it’s far from the worst we’ve seen a star take on stage!
CLICK HERE to view “On Stage Ouchies!”
CLICK HERE to view “On Stage Ouchies!”
CLICK HERE to view “On Stage Ouchies!”
CLICK HERE to view “On Stage Ouchies!”
CLICK HERE to view “On Stage Ouchies!”
[Image via Judy Eddy/WENN.]