Bob Barker Pays For Toronto Zoo Elephants To Be Airlifted To California!

Bob Barker loves helping animals of all sizes!
Three aging elephants – Toka, Thika and Iringa – currently reside at the Toronto Zoo, but it is getting to the point where the zookeepers, animal activists, and Bob Barker want to retire them over at California.
But that’s a long trek!
And Elephants can’t drive, so it isn’t like they can go on a road trip.
Luckily, Canadians are known for their generosity – so the elephants will be getting an air lift from the Royal Canadian Air Force C-17.
And they’ll get by with a little help from Mr. Barker!
Here’s what one source said:

├óΓé¼┼ôAirlifting the elephants would take about 20 hours, so within a day, the elephants could be at their new home.”

The best part is that Canadian citizens won’t see one cent of their tax dollars used to move the elephants.
Because Barker’s foundation has already pledged $850,000 for the journey.
Which is more than enough to cover the costs of the trip!
That price is definitely right!
[Image via Wikimedia Commons.]