Bob Barker Says Vegetarian Is GRRR-EAT For Your Golden Years

Remember folks, always spay and neuter your pets!
Wait, wrong story…our bad….LOLz!
Bob Barker is a timeless wonder and he says his vegetarian diet is keeping him feisty!
In a interview with the Vegetarian Times, the Price is Right icon dished the following:

I became a vegetarian out of concern for animals, and I was a vegetarian for a very long time before I realized that many people become vegetarians out of concern for their health.
I think they are absolutely right. I think it is the healthiest way to live.
The answer to enjoying life is nutrition. I recommend that you become a vegetarian and exercise if you want to enjoy the golden years.

Well said, Bob!
For more of Bob’s sage like advice, view his stance on SeaWorld and animals on set!
[Image via WENN.]