Bobbi Kristina's Aunt Is Kicked Out Of Her Funeral!

This is the last thing that should be going down at Bobbi Kristina‘s funeral!
On Saturday, Leolah Brown, the sister of Bobby Brown, caused a scene when she started screaming at Pat Houston. LB allegedly yelled:

“Pat you know you are wrong for this!”

Talk about classless! Thankfully Tyler Perry was there to calm everyone down.
Outside of the church, LB added:

“It’s not over. We’ve got evidence of who Pat really is, this is going to be a long drawn out process. Things are connected. Pat is a fraud and a phony. She is not a Houston, she’s a Garland. She will be remembered in our hearts forever. It’s so sad that this has happened to her. I’m angry at Nick, I am angry at what happened. It was all fine until Pat started speaking.”

[ Related: Tyler Perry Breaks His Silence With A Simple Statement After Bobbi Kristina’s Tragic Death ]
According to insiders, Brown believes Pat has ulterior motives where it concerns Bobbi’s inheritance and they’ve been feuding ever since the 22-year-old became comatose. It’s just a sad situation all around.
We hope the rest of the services go smoothly — anything else would be a disservice to BK’s memory!
[Image via Getty Images.]