Your Body Can't Handle Top Ramen And Gatorade!

While Ramen and Gatorade might be top choices for those on a budget, our bodies cannot handle it!
Scientist Stefani Barden teamed up with Dr. Braden Kuo and had two subjects eat processed foods and homemade foods.
The two subjects swalled M2A LED/Camera pills (Mouth to Anus) and one ate Top Ramen, Gatorade, and gummi bears while the other ate homemade ramen and broth, hibiscus drinks, and gummi bears made from juice.
The results?
The homemade foods are easily digestable but the Ramen is STILL visible, even after 2 hours!
As Barden puts it, “Top Ramen is made to survive armaggedon.”
Check out the video above and see this interesting study on food!