Boston Mom Gives Birth To 14.5 Pound Baby! See The Insanely Squishy Cheeks HERE!

We thought Prince George had adorably chubby cheeks, but this newborn gal might just have him beat!
Little baby Carisa Ruscak was born at Massachusetts General Hospital on Tuesday, although “little” probably isn’t the best word to describe the infant who weighed in at 14.5 pounds and 22 inches long!
The big size definitely came as a surprise to everyone in the delivery room, but momma Caroline Ruscak said it definitely made sense considering the pain she experienced during her pregnancy:

“I heard the weight and I was like, ‘Oh my God.’ It validated me because I was in a lot of pain when I was pregnant, so to hear the size, it made sense.”

Not only that, but Caroline and her husband Bryan Ruscak‘s first daughter weighed in at 10.5 pounds at birth, so they knew there was a chance they’d have another big baby!
Carisa is the largest baby to be born at Massachusetts General Hospital in more than a decade and will likely be the largest baby born in the state this year!
Caroline gave birth via C-section, but fortunately there were no complications and both momma bear and her little princess are 100% healthy!
Congrats, guys!
[Image via Massachusetts General Hospital.]