Boy Scouts Of America Embraces GLSEN's 'No Name-Calling Week"

Boy Scouts of America, are starting to sing a different tune!
(And it could be one of Cher‘s!)
The organization that has a ban on openly gay members and leaders, has embraced an event established by the Gay, Lesbian & Straight Education Network (GLSEN) called “No Name-Calling Week.”
A writer for Scouting magazine wrote:

“No Name-Calling Week begins today, so it’s an excellent time to remind Scouts and Scouters that these ‘harmless’ insults can do real damage to a boy or girl.”

In the sprite of new found friendship GLSEN’S Executive Director is welcoming Boy Scouts with open arms. She expressed her excitement in a statement, saying,

“I’m delighted the Boy Scouts of America├óΓé¼Γäós official publication is calling on its adult leaders to join with the tens of thousands of educators and other youth-serving professionals who are currently observing No Name-Calling Week in order to improve the lives of millions of youth.”

She went on to suggest that the all-boy organization consider changing it’s policies in the further, adding that,

“The Boy Scouts of America must recognize that gay people can be ├óΓé¼ΓÇ£- and are ├óΓé¼ΓÇ£- positive contributors to its vision of building respectful and service-oriented leaders of tomorrow.”

We sincerely hope that this is a step in the right direction!
[Image via WENN.]