Brad Pitt & Marion Cotillard's Rumored Affair On The Set Of Allied Wouldn't Be The First Time A Movie Ruined A Celebrity Relationship...

How history has repeated itself… allegedly!
There are dozens of rumors flying around about just what caused Angelina Jolie to file for divorce against Brad Pitt.
Sure, there are reports of the actor yelling at his kids on a private jet, but evidence also suggests that the Hollywood hunk may have hooked up with costar Marion Cotillard on the set of their WWII romance thriller Allied!
While both parties (sort of) denied an affair took place, Jolie reportedly stormed onto the set of the Robert Zemeckis film after suspecting her hubby was frenching the French actress off screen.
Then again, why wouldn’t Angie be suspicious? After all, she and Brad did the EXACT SAME THING over a decade ago on the set of Mr. & Mrs. Smith, which we all remember ended his marriage with Jennifer Aniston.
We may never know if Pitt and Cotillard took their relationship behind the scenes, but we do know 10 movies that ruined the relationships of its stars…
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CLICK HERE to view “10 Movies That Ruined Celebrity Relationships!”
CLICK HERE to view “10 Movies That Ruined Celebrity Relationships!”
CLICK HERE to view “10 Movies That Ruined Celebrity Relationships!”
CLICK HERE to view “10 Movies That Ruined Celebrity Relationships!”