Brad Pitt & Orlando Bloom Have A Hunky Troy Reunion At A Paris Photo Event!

These two are the golden apples (of the Hesperides) of our eyes!
Brad Pitt and Orlando Bloom may have fought on the opposite sides of the Trojan War in Troy, but at the Paris Photo Los Angeles private preview yesterday they seemed like best of friends.
Was it a coincidence they were at the Paris Photo preview event at Paramount, and Orlando played Paris in the film? We think not.
Did we just surprise you with that fact like people popping out of a Trojan horse? We hope not.
But hey? Where’s….HECTOR?!? Or as you might know him, Eric Bana. We wish it was a full on Troy reunion with the whole cast!
Mmm Orlando looked good too. We’d love to play with this Trojan all night.
[Image via Getty Images.]